OPINION PIECE // By Gen Eric (Proper Gander News).
Los Santos City. How would you feel if you were brutally attacked by someone you had never met before? Well that’s exactly what’s happening, but at a grander, much scarier level. Government officials are infringing on YOUR rights as citizens of the United States of America to bare arms.
You’d be forgiven if you didn’t believe it to be the case, but make no mistake, the government and them damned liberals are trying to take your guns away and prevent your kids from ever being able to purchase one to protect themselves.
“Now it’s a protest, not like any of them liberal protests, like a real one. With violence.” he explains. “The obstruction to my second amendment rights” he goes on to say. According to Texas, he has been denied his right as an American citizen, the ability to purchase a firearm for the purpose of self defence. “You just don’t know what’s out there. You need to be able to protect yourself. It’s what this country was founded on” he probably would have said had the interview continued.